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AgentLinkus Real Estate Forums

AgentLinkus is a non-competitive environment for Real Estate Professionals to discuss business with their peers outside of their service area.  Discuss ideas, concerns, market trends, news, tips and tricks, marketing strategies, brainstorm solutions, discuss upcoming opportunities and engage in thought-provoking discussions.  We are here even if you need to vent after a frustrating day to people who understand the ups and downs of being a professional in Real Estate.

Some professionals may elect to create an anonymous profile.  Whatever your preference, we ask that you do complete your State of Service and your interest in receiving referrals in your profile.  Our administrator can contact you through AgentLinkus for referral opportunities, submitted by Buyers and Sellers.  We priorities our active AgentLinkus members for referral opportunities.

Real Estate Professionals, please join us, we need you!  AgentLinkus Real Estate Forums were created by Real Estate Agents, Principal Brokers, Retired Realtors and Aspiring Agents.  We quickly realized we needed to enlist our Affiliates to participate in making it worthwhile.  It takes many Real Estate Professionals to smoothly close transactions for our Buyer and Seller Clients:  Lenders, Escrow Agents, Title Officers, Attorneys, Contractors, Inspectors, Insurance Agents, Staging Professionals, and Photographers, thanks for joining.  It takes a village!

Buyers and Sellers, and Real Estate Owners, welcome!  Get the opinion of professionals.  Post your questions and concerns, or scenarios here.  First-time Buyers and Sellers, Investors, landlords and house flippers, we are happy to share observations, experience, and ideas.  We are also enthusiastic about getting you connected with local professionals to help you with any of your Real Estate needs.

The business of Real Estate has become increasingly difficult and requires a keen understanding of rules, regulations, standard practice, and real estate law.  We must share the latest news, information, and strategies to keep in tune with the ever-changing market around us.  Perhaps you have observed an ethical concern, or are dealing with a problem during a transaction you would like feedback from your peers.  Maybe you are struggling and just need support from people that relate.

You may have an interest in getting your Real Estate License and have some questions that you would like to ask someone who is active in the business.  Join the real estate forums and take advantage of the experience of others who understand the fear that can be paralyzing when considering starting something that many consider high-risk.

Licensed Realtors are available on this site to give Buyers and Sellers solid advice, or to guide you toward a successful real estate experience.  Real Estate laws vary by State, be sure to verify information within your community.


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