Real Estate Agents, join others in creating and maintaining a successful Real Estate Business.
Some Realtors make very reliable income on producing quality Broker Price Opinion Reports for various companies. Some Realtors complete them for the fee, others complete them in effort to win future REO Listings.
Broker Price Opinion work is something that many REO Realtors begin with, because it is a crucial part of being an REO Listing Agent. The people hiring you for REO listings will expect you to be fluent in producing BPO reports to them, to help them determine a listing price.
Broker Price Opinion work can be provided by BPO Mills. BPO mills are the companies that are only looking for BPO reports. They pay an agreed upon fee to the Realtor, and the report will not result in an REO listing. Most BPO Mills have no influence in hiring REO Listing Agents.
If your purpose in completing BPO orders is not for the fee, but for future REO listings, be sure to ask the BPO source if they offer REO Listings before accepting. Some of the BPO Companies that offer REO Listings ask you to complete the BPO for FREE, so be careful if your goal is only the fee.
I first completed BPO’s to familiarize myself with what would be required as an REO Listing Agent. To do this, I worked for Mills, and got paid a fee to learn. Not a bad plan. I also happen to think that BPO work will make Realtors better at helping Clients determine value, so it increased my market knowledge s a Realtor.
America’s Infomart Incorporated
ASGBPO If site is unavailable, go to The ASG Companies
AVM (Asset Valuation and Marketing)
Black Hawk Valuation Services
BPOs Online
BPO Direct
BPO Fullfillment
BPO National
Broker Price Opinion
Clear Capital (now requiring a background check that will cost you about $40)
Clear Value Consulting
Collateral Intelligence
Corporate Valuation Servicers Incorporated
Elam REO Services Inc
Emortgage Logic
Real Estate Solutions
Equi-trax Asset Solutions, LP
Equity Pointe
FAS (Financial Asset Services Incorporated) (costs to register)
First American
First Preston
Goodman Dean
Green River Capital
IAS (Integrated Asset Services)
Kondaur Capital
LAMCO (Lenders Asset Management Corp)
LB Market
Lender Recovery
LRES (Lighthouse Real Estate Solutions)
NAMG (National Asset Management
NVMS (National Vendor Management Services)
National Default
Servicing, LLC
Nationwide BPOs
Network Mortgage Servicing
NPR Capital
Old Republic Default
Management Services
PCVMURCOR Real Estate Services
Proteck Valuation Services
PMH Financial
Quandis Incorporated
R&D Properties LLC
Reliance Field
Regional REO Services
RELSvaluation Contact the sales department to apply to the network. 877-844-8573 Opt #3
REM Corporation
REO America
REO Brokerage Group
RRReview (Residential RealEstate Review)
Sand Castle Field Services (Sand Castle Field Services)
Safe Harbor Collateral Solutions
SAMREO (Specialized Asset
Security National Holdings Company Inc
ServiceLink FNF’s National Lender
SingleSource Property Solutinos
TREO International, Inc
USA Valuation Services
USRES (United States Real Estate Services)
Valuation Partners
VSS (ValuationSuportServices)
Realtors can make a very reliable income on producing quality Broker Price Opinion Reports for various companies